Hello! Ok...."Momager" here has been super busy today! LOVE, love, LOVE it when things pick up!
Started off the day with an audition from Jamie for a film. She was to dress and look like "Justin Bieber." Wish I could put up a picture to show you all....it was funny! Anyway, she went to the audition....casting loved her and sent her immediately to the producers! On the way to see them....casting called to say that the producers were quitting for the day. We talked to Jamie....she said she would put a call into them and find out what they wanted Shea to do. So, Shea came back and got ready for the other two auditions she had today! The 2nd audition was for a Verizon commercial....she had to cry on cue...it's about a daughter moving away from home. From there we went to the 3rd audition. It's for a guest star role on iCarly on Nickelodeon. Shea had a great time and felt good about them! Jamie called and said that from the time casting had sent Shea to the producers....(before they told casting) the producers had decided that they would just ask the real Justin Bieber to play the role in the film. They aren't sure they can afford him? If not, and they go back to the drawing board....casting said they would call Shea in again. Shea has a photo shoot and interviews for G.I.A. all day tomorrow. A young man that lived here at Oakwood when he was young (pursuing acting) is coming to speak tonight. He is a filmmaker. He is going to share his story and some of his work so far. Til tomorrow.....
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